Friday, April 25, 2014

Jumping In The Wheel Barrel

"Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in Me."  -John 14:1

The story is told of a man who would push a wheel barrel across a tight rope over a large canyon every day.  It did not matter what the weather was, this man would push that wheel barrel.  One day a stranger came up to one of the man's friends.  He asked the friend, "Does this man push the wheel barrel every day?"  "Yes, he does," the friend replied.  The stranger then asks, "So you believe that this man can push the wheel barrel across that tightrope?"  "I sure do," retorts the friend.  The stranger followed up, "Would you ever get in the wheel barrel?"  "Are you kidding me?!  I would never get in that thing!"  The stranger looked at the friend once more and said, "So you believe THAT he can push the wheel barrel across the tightrope but you don't believe IN him."

Belief That vs Belief In

This story is a good representation of how we can be with God.  So many people are wiling to admit that God can do this or God can do that but they are not willing to commit their lives to Him.  Believe me, I know how hard it is to trust God when the storms of life hit.  It is extremely difficult.  But I can also tell you that all the times I have trusted God with whatever situation I am experiencing, He has always come through.

If you are a person who likes to declare how much God can do, ask yourself, "Do you allow Him to do those things in your life?"  There is a big difference between "belief that" and "belief in".  "Belief that" is when you know God has the ability to clean up your situation or help you through a problem.  You know He is a mighty, powerful God who is able to provide you with all the strength you will need.  But it is completely different to "believe in".  This is when you not only understand what God can do but you trust in Him to do it.  That mortgage that can't be paid this month:  believe IN God.  That sickness you are going through:  believe IN God.  The job you're working for is going to be laying people off:  believe IN God.

When Jesus was talking to His disciples the night before He was crucified, He told them, "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in Me" (emphasis added).  Jesus did not tell His disciples to believe THAT but to believe IN.  And that is what He is telling you today.  Don't stop at believing that God can do great things in your life.  Start believing in it.  Start trusting.  Start committing your life fully to God and the plan He has for your life.  Trust me, there is no greater plan you can live out than the plan He has set for you.

If you haven't fully committed your life to Christ, do so now.  Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose again three days later to prove He was who He said He was.  Believe IN Him today.  Don't be afraid.  Jump in the wheel barrel.

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