Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Void Only God Can Fill

"This is what the Lord says:  'What fault did your fathers find in me, that they strayed so far from me?  They followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves.'"  - Jeremiah 2:5

I know in my life, there have been plenty of times when I have felt alone; I feel that no one can understand what I'm going through and no one can help.  I think it's human nature to sometimes feel defeated and empty.  Sometimes we get to a certain point in our lives and we wonder if we're doing what we are destined to do.  Some people try to mask this empty feeling with alcohol, drugs, or their money but somehow the void is always there.  It never goes away.  All the alcohol, drugs, and money in the world are not going to fill the void; they're only going to make it bigger.  I have found that the only thing, more specifically the only person, who can fill that void is Jesus Christ.  I have found that when I put my faith in Him, he never leaves me and he never forsakes me.  Of course there are times when I still feel lonely or helpless but that's when I get the most use out of my faith in Jesus.  I know that no matter what I do or how I feel, He will never leave me.  I sometimes think about people who don't have a faith to call on and how they rely on the desires of this world to fill that void in their life.  I truly believe that the void that you feel was placed by God on purpose.  Not that He wants you to feel lonely or depressed but He wants you to know that He is the only one that can fill that void in your life.  What that void really is is a longing to know God; a longing to have a relationship with Him.  He loves you.  You were created in His image to enjoy the life that He has blessed you with but also to be in close connection with Him.  I know some people will read this and think that I'm now some sort of "Jesus Freak" and that is okay with me because I am.  And if everyone would truly ask Jesus to come into their life and make a change, they could experience all the things that I have described.

If you are going through something in your life and it feels like nothing else in this world is making you better, maybe it's time to try Jesus.  As I said before, the feeling of emptiness is God's way of letting you know that this life on Earth is not the only thing you were made for.  You were made to be in heaven where He is.  The great Christian author C.S. Lewis once said, "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."  Lewis nailed it.  This life on earth is just a temporary stop on our way to heaven.

If you're tired of being disappointed by the things this world has to offer, ask Jesus for help.  It will be the best decision you'll ever make.  I guarantee it.

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