Monday, June 29, 2015

Honest Questions for Steve Austin

A quote by Steve Austin, which he made over a year ago, seems to have gone viral over the last 24 hours on my Facebook feed.  Here is the quote:

"I don't give a s*** if two guys, two gals, guy-gal, whatever it is, I believe that any human being in America, or any human being in the goddamn world, that wants to be married, and if it's same-sex, more power to 'em." 

"What also chaps my a**, some of these churches, have the high horse that they get on and say 'we as a church do not believe in that.'  Which one of these motherf****** talked to God, and God said that same-sex marriage was a no-can-do?"

"OK, so two cats can't get married if they want to get married, but then a guy can go murder 14 people, molest five kids, then go to f****** prison, and accept God and He's going to let him into heaven? After the fact that he did all that s***? See that's all horses*** to me, that don't jive with me."

So in light of this quote showing up, I want to pose some questions that I would ask Mr. Austin.

"I believe that any human being in America, or any human being in the goddamn world, that wants to be married, and if it's same-sex, more power to 'em." 

- So if a dad wanted to marry his daughter, you would be okay with that?  How about a brother and sister who wanted to marry?  What if a person wanted to marry a severely mentally handicapped person, who could not make the decision of whether they want to marry or not on their own?  
- If situations like these are not okay, aren't you actually in some agreement with the church that there should be some restrictions when it comes to marriage?
- If there should be restrictions on marriage, who should make those restrictions and why should they be the ones to make them?

"some of these churches, have the high horse that they get on and say 'we as a church do not believe in that.'"

- Why can't churches, or their members, have an opinion on the issue?
- How come when churches or their members express an opinion, they are on their "high horse" but you can give your opinion without being so?

"Which one of these motherf****** talked to God, and God said that same-sex marriage was a no-can-do?"

- Why does this matter to you? 
- Would you even believe if someone told you they had received a message from God?
- Doesn't the church have just as much of a right to an opinion on the issue as you?
(Hint:  the answer to your question is "Jesus".)

"...but then a guy can go murder 14 people, molest five kids, then go to f****** prison, and accept God and He's going to let him into heaven?"

- What exactly does this have to do with marriage?
- But to address your question, what exactly is wrong with God forgiving a man for his sins?  

"See that's all horses*** to me, that don't jive with me."

- So because an idea doesn't "jive" with you, someone else can't have that opinion?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Building Your House on the Rock

"And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock."  - Matthew 7:25

No one ever wants to go through hard times.  We all want to go through life with as little resistance as possible.  Speaking for myself, I certainly do everything I can to avoid any sort of hardship.  But the fact is that no matter how hard we try to avoid the hardships of life, they are inevitable.  Eventually, something devastating will happen.  It has been said that if you are not going through a storm, you're heading into one.

In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus is nearing the end of the Beatitudes, a series of teachings to His followers.  In this section, Jesus talks about how those who listen to His words are like wise men who build their houses on a rock.  When the storm came and the winds and rain beat on the house, it did not crumble because it had a solid foundation.  On the other hand, Jesus says those who do not follow His words are like a foolish man who builds his house on sand.  The storm came and the winds and rain beat on the house but because the house was not built on a solid foundation, it crumbled.  There are a couple important points to discuss about these verses.

First, Jesus is attempting to convey just how powerful His words and promises are.  What He is saying in these passages is that if you hold true to the teachings of Christ, when the storms of life hit, you will have a solid foundation to help you through the tough times.  Developing that foundation before the storm hits (and it will hit eventually) prepares you to deal with anything.  No matter how bad the situation gets, there is comfort in knowing that you are a child of God.  He loves you and will see you through the toughest of times.  However, if you are building your foundation on something other than Jesus, the tough times will leave you in its destruction.  Just as a foolish man's house after a storm, you will be left picking up the pieces, trying to patch things together again.  Why not prepare for the storm beforehand rather than dealing with it after?

The second point I want to make is for you to notice that the storm hit both the wise man's house and the foolish man's house.  There is a false belief (coming from false teachers) that being a Christian means you will never go through difficult times, that life is just butterflies and rainbows.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Christians go through storms just like everyone else.  The difference is that we have the promises of Jesus to hold us up, to keep us strong.  We know that whatever we are faced with, Jesus is with us every step of the way.

So if you are going through a a tough time right now, I encourage you to hold close to the promises of Jesus.  He is with you at all times.  He loves you so much and He wants to help you through whatever you are experiencing.  But a relationship is a two way street.  He is not going to help anyone that doesn't want to be helped.  So if you haven't already, start building your home on the proper foundation.  Build your house on the Rock.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ask, Seek, Knock

"For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." -Luke 11:10

Some people who become Christians think that God is a genie:  ask Him for whatever you want and He is going to give it to you.  Then when they ask for something and God doesn't give it to them exactly how they want, they get upset, think that He doesn't care, or worse, think He doesn't exist.  The thing is, if they knew exactly how God operates, they would find that He always has better plans for your life.

In this passage, Jesus has finished praying and the disciples have asked Jesus how to pray.  Jesus then goes on to recite what is commonly known to as the "Lord's Prayer".  Personally, I believe this is more of a template of how to pray rather than the exact prayer that we should be pray.  After all, Jesus did say that we shouldn't "keep on babbling like pagans" (Matthew 6:7).  Often times when people recite the "Lord's Prayer", it becomes more of a chant rather than heartfelt communication with God.  For the record, I believe the "Lord's Prayer" is actually found in the gospel of John chapter 17.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't fully understand prayer.  It is one of the greatest mysteries of being a Christian but there is no doubt it has great power.  It is interesting that after Jesus gives the disciples a template for how they should pray, He goes on to describe that power:

"And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."

A couple things about this passage.  First, Jesus says to ask, seek, and knock.  Many times people (and I'm just as guilty as anyone) use prayer as the last option.  We've tried everything we could think of, now it's time to pray.  Prayer should be a first response, not a last resort.  James 4:2-3 says, "You do not have because you do not ask God.  When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures."  When we need something in our lives, we should pray and ask God.  And when we ask God, it should be with correct motives.

Secondly, notice how Jesus doesn't say, "For everyone who asks receives exactly what they ask for, and the one who seeks finds exactly what they are looking for, and to the one who knocks gets the exact door they were hoping for."  Jesus encourages us to ask, seek, and knock but He never said we would get exactly what we wanted.  Many times we ask for things out of selfishness and we don't take the time to think about what would happen if God gave us exactly everything we asked for.  What if God allowed you to win the lottery?  Sure you would be rich but would you get lost in all of your possessions?  What if God gave you that promotion you've been wanting?  Would you still have time for Him or for your family?  Often times our desires are focused on being in the moment and not thinking about the bigger picture.  Luckily for us, God knows all.  He knows what would happen if He gave you your every desire.

Finally, Jesus compares our heavenly Father to earthly parents.  As parents, we wouldn't give our children a snake if they asked for candy, right?  Or if a child wanted some ice cream, you wouldn't throw a swarm of bees at them.  Now if we, as fallen and sinful humans, know how to give children what they need, how much MORE does our Heavenly Father know how to give us what we need?  So while you may not get exactly what you ask for, rest assured that the God of the universe knows exactly what you need and will provide you with that.

As children of God, we have access to God anytime we want.  We can talk to Him, plead with Him, and ask Him for what we need.  As Christians, we need to take advantage of this privilege.  Take time now to talk with God.  Let Him know what you need.